
The Ideal Diet One quick question before I dive into lesson 3 – How are you doing with your Journaling? If you haven’t started yet – make this Monday the start of your journey.  Commit to printing this out and filling it in!  You got this!  If you have been doing it – send me […]

Lesson 3- The Ideal Diet

entrepreneur coach in iowa

90 “Best Life” Lessons Hi- I am so happy you are here!   The fact that you subscribed and made the conscious choice to live your best life should be celebrated!! You are on your way to learning the lessons needed to start living to your fullest. Only you can do it, but I am here […]

90 “Best Life” Lessons

Best Life Lessons

Awareness is a lifelong journey Are you genuinely happy? Are you growing and thriving? Or are you just pushing through the hours day after day?  I have been doing the latter for too long now.  I told myself that when summer was over and the kids were back in school I would be more mindful […]

Awareness is a lifelong journey

life coach for entrepreneurs

Does anyone read this’s been a while since I have blogged or posted. I could blame it on being “busy” but I am always busy. If I am honest, I got in my head. I second-guessed the relevance and the purpose behind why I wrote. I felt disconnected from the community, and myself. I […]

Does anyone read this…

life coach

Happy Graduation Day! It’s that time of year- Preschoolers, High Schoolers, and College Students graduating! Moving on to the next phase in their life. It’s been fun writing out graduation cards and appreciating the message for what it means to me, my clients, and my hope to all of you. This “graduation” transition is a […]

Happy Graduation Day!

Happy Graduation Day

X or Y X or Y ? why not both or perhaps neither? It’s very easy to fall into the happiness trap of false choices/truths –of thinking you can either do X or Y, and that’s the choice you have to make. False choices are tempting for a couple of reasons. First, instead of facing […]

X or Y

X or Y

You are Beautiful Thought for the Day: “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson I don’t know a woman alive who is completely happy with her body. No woman I’ve met has ever said, “I eat healthy, […]

You are Beautiful

entrepreneur coach USA

Progression Ok- so everybody will probably agree that it’s much easier to gain weight than lose it. It doesn’t take any real effort to gain weight it just kind of shows up. But you’re acutely aware of the effort it takes to drop weight. And this heightened awareness of the effort sometimes makes it feel […]


life coach for entrepreneurs

Is your home a peaceful haven? In the spirit of de-cluttering – Look at your home. Is it a place where you really want to live? Is it comfortable and joyous, or is it cramped and messy? If you don’t feel good about it you are never going to enjoy it. Your home is a […]

Is your home a peaceful haven?

female entrepreneur business coach

What are your broken windows? In the spirit of April, I thought I would inspire some “spring cleaning”. Have you heard of the “broken windows theory”? This theory of policing holds that when a community tolerates minor examples of disorder and petty crime, such as broken windows, graffiti, or drinking in public, people are more […]

What are your broken windows?

business coach midwest

What does a self care junkie, enneagram 3, book in my hand love?  

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