For most of my entrepreneurial/mom life- up until a couple of years ago, I had been a master of being busy- not necessarily effective or productive. I just got really good at convincing myself that I could push something out a few more days because some how my schedule would just free up. News Flash- my schedule never frees up. Days, weeks, months later I was still pushing items forward.
It got me thinking…. Is this what we all do? There has to be a better way! I realized that this is part of being human. When we get busy, we get overwhelmed and when we get overwhelmed, we get stressed out and incapable of thinking through what we need to do. We freeze up. I read something on this once and they referred to it as “decision fatigue” – We exhaust ourselves just figuring out what to prioritize when there’s far too much to do.
The great news is that there is simple solution to feeling like “oh my god – where do I even start” “what do I begin with” ~ The secret is simple: A TIME MAP
Why is this so crazy transformational? Having a time map doesn’t just give you a clear picture of what needs to be done, it also prevents you from overcommitting – which leads to being an overwhelmed procrastinator a.k.a – not living your best life!
It’s much easier to climb a mountain one foot at a time then to constantly look at the peak and psych yourself out and possibly turn around.
I know Time Map sounds a lot like “schedule” and I also know that many of us started businesses because we wanted more freedom, freedom to live and work when we wanted. So Time Map seems rigid without allowing for the spontaneous yoga class mid day or early wine with friends. Stay with me…..
Here’s what I have learned in 2 decades: A completely open schedule does not necessarily mean freedom either! In fact, most people (entrepreneurs/moms) are working longer, harder not necessarily smarter. A TIME MAP is not about regimenting your life, it is not restricting. A TIME MAP is about making space.
I’ve found that when you put up boundaries around your work time and playtime and create clear distinctions around how many hours you want to spend doing each, you actually create more freedom, by allowing yourself to focus on what is really important. You essentially are designing your perfect routine. You create the time blocks based on your priorities. When you become intentional about the type of activities and time you want to be working – versus just focusing on whatever feels most urgent now- you finally start creating a life and business you love.
The process of mapping out your time in your week can change everything because it quickly helps you identify the types of activities you MUST focus on to grow your business, maintain your awesome health and live your best life. In this, you can be more aware every day about where you’re pouring your energy.