Intentional Identification

Alchemiss Design is all about designing your best life and I am so excited to start this year with you! I thought I would start the year with a few weekly challenges that will help identify YOU! We will Identify Priorities, Core Values, Wants/Want not, Habits, Bucket Lists, and more. If we start the year by getting to know ourselves …we can better design a life that honors the essence of who we are. Think about it – if we don’t know who we are (values, priorities, habits) how can we create a genuine best life? I’ll be doing the challenges with you and together we navigate this journey. I love the accountability, so I would love your help sharing your journey with me. We can work together throughout the year to ensure our ship is still on point. Or at least traveling in the right direction… Imperfect progress is what we are looking for.

I truly believe that sharing is healing and your life inspires. I would love to use social media to inspire and encourage others to live and love abundantly. My hope is to see pictures of your vision board and to read about your created memories, your priorities, and your bucket list. What a gift to be able to inspire others. I created a Facebook page with that in mind. I encourage you at any point in this journey to join us on our community FB page.

Why is this so important to me? – I strongly believe that intentional design in our days leads to living our best life. If all of us were to create this life what better world we would create?

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” Aristotle

Chances are you’ve come across quotes like the one from Aristotle up above. They make us evaluate our present habits in a split second, and think about the things we need to change. Even if you consider yourself to be ambitious, chances are you find it difficult to implement a series of new behaviors in your life.

Common sense is not common action. Common knowledge is not common practice.

Why are 44% of doctors overweight? You could bet they spent the majority of their youth buried behind a book telling them about the merits of exercise and diet. Reading a book on how to ride a bicycle does not qualify you for the Tour de France.

The more informed (competent) and consistent (power of habit) you are in your choices the more confident you will be in your willpower.

Competency + Habitual Practice = Confidence in Choice

Why this matters-
What if you took some time to define your ideal life & then create and plot your course…. Step by step we will work together to get you from where you are to where you want to be by identifying your strengths and weaknesses as it relates to your “whole” self: Personal, Physical, Emotional, and Connected self.

You cannot detach one from another…. If one area of your life is out of balance so will you be? Much like 4 wheels on a tire…if one is flat your car will still go it just won’t get there as quickly or as efficiently and worse, it may affect other parts of your trip. So often we focus on eating or exercising and forget the power of the heart and mind. Or we become so involved in our work that we forget to nourish our body instead of only our mind. We are synergetic beings that strive for homeostasis.

I’m excited to dive deep into the challenges – explorative journey and I would love you to join me. This is where the work and the magic happen. This is when we explore our vision, core values, habits, priorities, projects, and memory bucket list. The work we put in during this journey will increase the efficacy and fulfillment of our experience this upcoming year!!

Looking forward
Xoxo ~ Leah

What does a self care junkie, enneagram 3, book in my hand love?  

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