Creative Visualization

Today I am going to introduce one of the last parts of the journal page: creative visualization. The subconscious is very important when developing success from within. Your subconscious has been programmed since birth, and we want to reprogram it to work on our behalf. Take just a minute and think about how you talk to yourself.

Do you say negative things to yourself like, “I’ll never lose weight?” “I have no willpower.” “I’m so fat.” How does your subconscious interpret this? Exactly as you said it: “I’ll never lose weight.” “I have no willpower.” “I’m so fat.”
The subconscious is constantly working while you’re awake or asleep.

You must start reassessing how you talk to yourself. What kind of images and behavioral patterns are you burning into your subconscious? If you say you are fat, the subconscious will keep you fat, because that is how it sees you. If you say you can’t lose weight then the subconscious will support that idea as well.

The first thing you need to do is change the way you talk to yourself. Instead of saying I can’t lose weight, start saying, “what do I need to do to lose weight ?” Or “I am going to lose weight by eating healthy food and exercising and nothing will prevent me from it.” Positive, empowering statements and questions lead to positive, empowering results. The saying “if you can see it, you can be it” is very true.

The next thing you need to do is recreate your body image in your subconscious. Right now, the subconscious works to keep you at your present body size, because that is how it sees you. That is how it is programmed. You want to rewrite that program. You do this through positive visualization.

Every morning and every evening you will want to take a few minutes to relax and practice positive visualization. Take this time to see in your mind exactly how you want to look physically and be emotional. Imagine yourself doing something that you like or want to do. Make it real right down to the details. This subconscious picture will change your actions. This small practice is perhaps the most important part of your plan, because it can change the inner you, which will change your behaviors.

This is how you will use this positive picture of yourself in your mind. Let’s say the office is having a birthday party, and you always, without much thought to it, indulge in a piece of cake. Now when in a situation, where you are drawn into old habits, you will simply materialize this picture in your mind, and the subconscious will react in a
way that is congruent with this new image of you. In other words, you will not crave the same unhealthy things that you did before. You must practice it in order for it to work. You must take the time AM and PM. You must make this body image so tangible that it is a reality to the subconscious. You must be willing and able to pull this image up whenever you are faced with old unhealthy habits in order to make new positive choices that will lead to a healthier happier life. Contrary to what some people think, we do have control over our thoughts. It just takes some effort.

Once you get used to pulling up this positive image of yourself, it will become easier and easier, and then automatic. When you are practicing positive visualization, try seeing yourself in a familiar situation where you are about to overeat or eat the wrong things. But this time, see yourself making the right choices. When the real situation comes up, the subconscious will already have made the choice for you. See yourself exercising and making other positive changes in your life. The possibilities are unlimited. See yourself at your highest potential!

I can’t wait to hear about your success!  Lastly – I would love to continue to grow my subscriber base so please share me~ I would be forever grateful. 

My best for yours~


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