Hi- I am so happy you are here! The fact that you subscribed and made the conscious choice to live your best life should be celebrated!! You are on your way to learning the lessons needed to start living to your fullest. Only you can do it, but I am here to help you every step of the way.
The most important part of your plan for living your BEST LIFE is the Alchemiss Journal page that is available by clicking here or emailing me @ leah@alchemissdesign.com. You should fill this out in the morning to plan your day and review it in the evening to reinforce good habits and learn from habits of old.
One reason this is so important is that planning it out and writing it down will reinforce it in your mind. This is the most empowering and effective method for creating the life you deserve. It will allow you to be prepared for the day ahead and will reiterate and fix your intentions in your mind and subconscious. The daily review will show you where you were successful, or where you need improvement. If we learn from our mistakes, they become lessons. Lessons are positive and valuable. We plan for our job and household. The least we can do is a plan for our health and happiness.
It only takes a few minutes and the benefits are priceless. I promise if you commit to doing this daily it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOR THE BETTER!!
In order not to overload you with information, I will be breaking down my blog into manageable lessons, tutorials, quizzes, and advice for your best self. I don’t refer to this as a diet program, because a diet is something you eventually quit. This is a course of healthy habits that you will follow for the rest of your life; including eating right, exercising, and using positive visualization for constructive results.
So start right away with your journal page. You may not understand it all right away, but my next few blogs will be dedicated to working with the journal page and applying the lessons to outline your best days.
It is a good idea to keep each journal page in a binder or notebook. If you are not making the progress you want, such as in a case where you reach a plateau, I can help you to review your information. Every day for the next 3 months, you should take one day at a time, building on your plan, until you have made the health principles part of your new life. Practice something for 30 days and it becomes a habit. Practice it for 90 days and it should become permanent! My hope is that you can take these lessons and incorporate them into your days – creating your best life.
I can’t wait to hear about your success! Lastly – I would love to continue to grow my subscriber base so please share me~ I would be forever grateful.
My best for yours~