Are you genuinely happy? Are you growing and thriving? Or are you just pushing through the hours day after day? I have been doing the latter for too long now. I told myself that when summer was over and the kids were back in school I would be more mindful of my self-care. I told myself I would start working out more regularly, meditate, incorporate yoga into my days and “finally” start living my best life. Our level of awareness is at the heart of our ability to create our best life. With more awareness, we expand our consciousness, compassion, and acceptance of the world and everything in it.
What does this mean for us? We typically think of being aware through our human senses – touching, tasting, hearing, seeing, and smelling. Each of these is important to how we perceive the world however, awareness also includes the thoughts and feelings we experience on any given day. When we’re aware of what we are doing and how we’re feeling, then, and only then, do we have a choice in how we respond or act. We are always one choice away from either thriving or well, not.
Having awareness gives us better insights into others, and that’s good for our mental and emotional health. We’ll be able to see others acting out of their own pain and, from that place of understanding, we’ll be inspired to rise above feelings of abandonment, feelings of not good enough, rejection, and jealousy as we become aware that their actions or inactions aren’t personal. We no longer have to take our neighbor’s shitty behavior personally. We no longer have to internalize someone’s bitter, angry projection on us as he is projecting his own pain, which has NOTHING to do with us at all. From this place of understanding, forgiveness and peace we can decrease cortisol levels and anxiety.
My failure to “choose” care for the last couple of months has wreaked havoc on my life, my relationships, my health, and my overall outlook on life.
What did I do? I “chose” to control what I could control and give the rest up in peace and love.
I no longer have to spend hundreds of dollars on sleep aids. I no longer have to spend energy trying to figure out why my heart/life is spinning out of control.
What I do have to do is spend time increasing my awareness and incorporating the following care activities into my life plan.
Awareness is a lifelong journey. There are many things to learn about our life, our relationships, and our world view. Make a conscious effort to explore your own truth- your own wants, needs, and values. Enjoy the ride- there is no rush. My wish for all of us is the self- awareness to make the choices to create our best life.
Love to all of you-