“Whose bucket are you going to fill today?” – is the question I ask my kids as I take them to school. Every morning they reply back with a teacher, or friend or act of service and my hearts full. I started thinking more about the concept of “paying it forward” when my 8 year old was sharing his bucket filling story with me. He was so excited about how he made a friend feel that when asked what the best part of his day was it wasn’t anything that had happened to him – it was what he had done for another. I realized then I was missing a tremendous opportunity to bucket fill myself. I decided I was going to commit to paying it forward daily and we would share our stories when I picked them up after school.
I have read that “paying it forward” should not be preconceived rather spontaneous. Although, I do understand the philosophy, I believe much can be accomplished with a well thought intention. I believe that in general we can be kind and generous and that in so doing can make an impact without much planning. We can be a rainbow in someone’s clouds by simply smiling. That being said – if you follow my blog you know that I am a planner and a “list” girl. I thought it would be fun to create a bucket filling list that my family could work to accomplish and inspire the choices in our days.
I worked with my boys on creating this list that we will refer to and be proud of ~ I would love to challenge anyone reading this to commit to a daily act of kindness either something in the list below or your own list. In the spirit of sharing I would love to hear from you… your ideas, and pay it forward (PIF) intentions. I believe that if we share our kindness with the world it will be a better place to live.
Lastly and most importantly, when people want to repay you for something, ask them to pay it forward instead. We can create a kindness revolution, one good deed a day!