Killer Confidence
25 Transformative Thoughts
Declutter Quiz
5 Areas of
Unapologetic, imperfectly perfect me. A lucky wife and mama of three amazing boys. I am an author, speaker, entrepreneur coach, quantum life coach, business coach, selfologist and lover of life.
I am going to let you in on a little secret- I didn’t used to be me and I didn’t love my life. I used to be what everyone wanted me to be. I was a people pleaser and a worry connoisseur.
I spent a good part of my life being resentful, feeling guilty, unworthy, and hating myself and my life for it. Until coaching found me. Now I get the honor of helping thousands of people just like you who want something more for their life, something better.
I help people cross the bridge from their stuck self to their becoming self through cognitive practices, neuroscience, and human behavior change.
I held tight to strong convictions that if I was smarter, more athletic, more popular, prettier that my dad would come back and be part of my life. This was exhausting and unfortunately, unsuccessful.
People think that they want better relationships but they don’t – what they want is a framework around what it means to connect to people in a meaningful, authentic way. People think that they want more money but what they want is a framework around what is needed to show up with the courage to offer their genius and the confidence to charge what they are worth. People think they have to suffer to accomplish a goal. But that is never the way. People don’t lose weight, create wealth, grow their business, be a better parent, spouse, or friend by suffering in action. It’s not about knowing what to do or how to do it ~ all of that will come when you know where to look for the answers.
Guacamole obsessed, Leo, enneagram 3, boy mom, unapologetically imperfect.
Now, not everyone in the world wants to hear what I have to say, but since you’re here and reading this, I’ll just try to convince you. YOU ARE WORTHY. You are.
This means that if other people don’t recognize your lovability it’s not because you are not lovable. It’s not because you should be better. It’s not because there is anything wrong with you. It’s simply because sometimes as human beings we have a hard time accepting and loving one another. It comes from our own fears and insecurities.
We become more confident when we know, acknowledge and understand our fears, and insecurities.
Other people, things, experiences, “failures” don’t make us insecure. WE DO!
Other people, things, experiences, certifications don’t make us confident. WE DO! Confidence is a game changer and it has a ripple effect in every area of your life. Confidence is just one of the many areas we work on! Want to have killer confidence ! Let me show you how.
A private, guided self-discovery journey.
Program for women seeking more for their life.